Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stanley MacDonald: Meteora, Greece

Today I met with Stanley Macdonald in Meteora, Greece. Meteora had become a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists to find wisdom, spiritual enlightenment or even just peace. Stanley was one of the latter. He had also been a veteran of almost every campaign in his home nation, Canada. He said the first place his army started seeing the dead was where the Third Battalion of Princess Patrician’s Canadian light infantry worked with the drug interdiction in Kyrgyzstan. They had been looking for the enemy, which was supposedly in a cave. The cave was not hard to find because of the blood trails leading right to it. It was extremely strange. In the drag marks there was black crusted ooze. This reminded me of the blood sample that Kwang Jingshu took from the boy; it was of this same matter. It had to be an infected person if this it was the same substance. They arrived to see their enemy dead by their own booby traps. He said it looked like they were trying to run away from something. Gunmen were shredded in the corner completely torn apart. They were finding limbs of body parts lying all around. He said he went into a room of the cave by himself to reveal a hand sticking out of limestone, still moving. He grabbed it and pulled the person and a hard grip grasped his hand. He freaked and tried to release himself from the grasp but it wouldn’t let go. He fell back and half of the body came out with a man trying to bite his wrist… a zombie. He grabbed his gun and blew his brains. He was traumatized and acting strange afterwards. He needed help.

1 comment:

  1. This was a very nice blog entry and I liked how you had linked this interview with the first interview by talked about the weird bloody ooze. But when you talked about Metora and Stanley near the beginning it felt a little bit too much like it was straight from the book, instead of yourself talking.
