Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jacob Nyathi: Bridgetown Harbor, Barbados, West Indies Federation

Today I met with Jacob Nyathi, captain of the Imfingo. His childhood was in Khayelitsha, a life of hopelessness, grinding, and poverty. The night he first experienced the zombies was when he was walking home from the bus stop after his work shift at five A.M. Gunshots fired, he sprinted behind a barbershop for cover and waited, but it didn’t stop. Smoke soon crept up to his nostrils, and he looked out and saw city people yelling and screaming “Run! Get out of there! They’re coming!” As he searched for his family the mob knocked him down. As he got up, a zombie grabbed him and obviously went for the bight because that is the only thing they are after and the same black fluid came out of his mouth. They wrestled and Jacob came across a cooking pan and just owned the zombie, smashing his skull until his brains scattered onto the ground. He saw a flashing light and used all the energy in his body to sprint straight there, but he was decked to the ground by something. In the hospital, they told him that that the police had accidentally shot him in the shoulder; and that there had been an outbreak of rabies.

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