Sunday, April 26, 2009

Jesika Hendricks: Sand Lakes Provincial Wilderness Park, Manitoba, Canada

Today I interviewed Jesika Hendricks to reveal a very intense story from her. She started out by telling me that the moment that put her dad over the edge was when they had experienced six zombies feeding off of a homeless man only three blocks from her house and of the zombie news. All they would say is go north if you want to live; you will be safe from the zombies because they will solidify in the cold temperatures. So they did, they packed up; warm clothes, tons of food, and headed out. They had arrived at their destination. The campsite was real nice, everyone was friendly, they had campfires sharing food, and supply’s, and sang by the bonfires every night. Then food supply started going low very fast and so did the cold temperatures. People became desperate for food and warmth and started getting really angry. There were a lot of fights for foods, coats, and supplies. When the dead arrived it was teamwork, when they didn’t it was every man for themselves. Jesika’s mom started getting really mad at her dad, blaming him for everything they were going through. They started going at it, using a lot using a lot of big words at each other and then not long after her dad was furious at her criticism and was fed up with him so he slapped her in the face. Jesika had never seen it before. Snow was melting and you know what that means… the zombies were back…

Saturday, April 25, 2009

Ahmed Farahnakian: Ice City, Greenland

Today, I met with Ahmed Farhanakian. He told me the infection didn’t hit their country as hard as the others, maybe because of the geographical features of their country, difficult transportation, small population, or the isolation of other countries by a large army. But the main problem came from the refugees from the east, millions of them. Iceland thought it was the Pakistani’s and told them to control their people; but it was from India. Everyday brought new problems, hundreds of thousands crossing their border, and perhaps many of them were infected. Something had to be done to protect themselves from these problems. The best place was to block off the Ketch River Bridge where all of the immigrants crossed to get to Iceland. Ahmed was the leader of this mission. It was bombed and taken down, outraging Pakistanis. Airstrikes and border clashes were Pakistan’s revenge. It was awful.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Sean Collins: Bridgetown, Barbados, West Indies Federation

Today I met with Sean Collins. He was a war vet, who was guarding a dumb celebrity for the money when the panic hit. His boss had a house on this island to keep the big known pop stars safe, so his boss could become more popular during and after the war by helping the celebrities. Sean didn’t know a specific location where they were; he knew it was a big, long island next to Manhattan. Actors, singers, rappers, pro athletes, and famous faces were present to receive comfort and safety from his boss. His boss was ready for everything. He had food, shelter, electricity, and defense to keep the living dead out. One time, the celebrities’ had a news team zooming in on them to show the national television audience that they were safe. No duh! The celebrity’s had the money. This sent the city people overboard; they wanted to be safe too. The civilians came aggressively toward the house with weapons and ladders to climb the walls. They were running fast. This started to send nervous chills down the celebrity’s backs when they started to realize they weren’t the living dead, they were humans that could find a way through the defense. It became an all out war; weapons from both sides were firing at each other. Sean Collins didn’t know what to do and was very frightened of the city peoples revolting. He ran out to the beach, took a surfboard, and was out to find safety on a boat out at sea.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Jacob Nyathi: Bridgetown Harbor, Barbados, West Indies Federation

Today I met with Jacob Nyathi, captain of the Imfingo. His childhood was in Khayelitsha, a life of hopelessness, grinding, and poverty. The night he first experienced the zombies was when he was walking home from the bus stop after his work shift at five A.M. Gunshots fired, he sprinted behind a barbershop for cover and waited, but it didn’t stop. Smoke soon crept up to his nostrils, and he looked out and saw city people yelling and screaming “Run! Get out of there! They’re coming!” As he searched for his family the mob knocked him down. As he got up, a zombie grabbed him and obviously went for the bight because that is the only thing they are after and the same black fluid came out of his mouth. They wrestled and Jacob came across a cooking pan and just owned the zombie, smashing his skull until his brains scattered onto the ground. He saw a flashing light and used all the energy in his body to sprint straight there, but he was decked to the ground by something. In the hospital, they told him that that the police had accidentally shot him in the shoulder; and that there had been an outbreak of rabies.

Saturday, April 18, 2009

Stanley MacDonald: Meteora, Greece

Today I met with Stanley Macdonald in Meteora, Greece. Meteora had become a popular destination for pilgrims and tourists to find wisdom, spiritual enlightenment or even just peace. Stanley was one of the latter. He had also been a veteran of almost every campaign in his home nation, Canada. He said the first place his army started seeing the dead was where the Third Battalion of Princess Patrician’s Canadian light infantry worked with the drug interdiction in Kyrgyzstan. They had been looking for the enemy, which was supposedly in a cave. The cave was not hard to find because of the blood trails leading right to it. It was extremely strange. In the drag marks there was black crusted ooze. This reminded me of the blood sample that Kwang Jingshu took from the boy; it was of this same matter. It had to be an infected person if this it was the same substance. They arrived to see their enemy dead by their own booby traps. He said it looked like they were trying to run away from something. Gunmen were shredded in the corner completely torn apart. They were finding limbs of body parts lying all around. He said he went into a room of the cave by himself to reveal a hand sticking out of limestone, still moving. He grabbed it and pulled the person and a hard grip grasped his hand. He freaked and tried to release himself from the grasp but it wouldn’t let go. He fell back and half of the body came out with a man trying to bite his wrist… a zombie. He grabbed his gun and blew his brains. He was traumatized and acting strange afterwards. He needed help.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Kwang Jingshu: Greater Chongqing, the United Federation of China

Today I met with Kwang Jingshu, the head of the United Federation of China Council. It wasn’t hard retrieving information from him. He was a real talker. China, now the world power, is where it all started. There was an emergency that needed aid immediately. There were many sick people at the sight. No one had been helping because it was obviously a very dangerous situation. One sick patient that he attended to had a high fever, forty degree centigrade, and was franticly shivering. The patient had no major injuries except the bite marks of a child. The bite marks were from the child who started it all. This child was found and locked in the back room of the hospital, writhing like an animal with ferocious growls. His blood was brown viscous matter. This child was the first patient that Kwang Jingshu was ever frightened about treating. While examining the boy, the boy twisted and his whole arm came off. He asked the villagers what had happened to make this boy so crazy. The mother of the boy came up and told him that it had happened while “moon fishing.” He and his father were raiding their old village, Old Dachang, for heirlooms and other things of value. He ran back home, screaming in agony due to the bite mark on his foot. Symptoms quickly took over his body and the “attack” started, but help quickly followed. Kwang Jingshu was later arrested and imprisoned. He escaped, but it was too late...